First, starting today, you need to dedicate careful time and attention to developing your co-pilot function of Introverted Thinking ("Accuracy").
This is the #1 thing you can do to grow right now.
Without a strong co-pilot, you're going to stay stuck in the same place with the same old challenges.
Second, you need to become aware of your 10 Year Old Extraverted Feeling ("Harmony") and how it hijacks your personality, steering you away from where you actually want to go.
Developing strategies for dealing with this, and getting yourself back on track is essential to success.
Third, your 3 Year Old Introverted Sensing ("Memory") needs attention too. Learn how to give your 3 Year Old function what it needs to keep you safe, healthy, and on the right track.
If you ignore your 3 Year Old it will find unhealthy ways to get your attention.
Now we've got some good news and bad news.
The good news is that some people naturally learn to do all three of these over a lifetime.
The bad news is that even for them this can take years and years of pain, frustration, and missed opportunities before they figure it out.
Fortunately at Personality Hacker, we have developed a shortcut.
We've assisted hundreds of ENTPs in developing their personality. We want to work with you too.
Imagine becoming the best possible version of an ENTP.
We created a specific, highly detailed home study personality development owners manual that we want to show you today: