Joel & Antonia spoke with Brian Kelly (ENFJ) to ask how he is applying Couples Mapping to his client work.

Couples Mapping:
Personality Types In Relationships

create a side-by-side map of each other's personalities to be truly seen, accepted and understood by your partner, and wake up happy together

This home-study course guides you through mapping your relationship. 
You can map with your partner or it's just as valuable to do on your own.

What if your partner just 'got you'? 
What if the things that drive you crazy became your favorite parts? 
What if you didn't avoid communication, but instead raced home to talk over your day? 
What if they were the person you trusted most with your emotions?

Hi, there. We're Joel and Antonia from Personality Hacker.

Every day we get emails and questions from couples hoping personality systems will help them understand their partner and be understood. 

Relationship problems are normal. And for good reason! There's no 'couples school' we are all required to take. If you're having trouble communicating or 'getting' where your partner is coming from... well, you're in good company. MOST of us struggle in our relationships. 

Communication barriers and misunderstandings can lead to one fight after another. Pretty soon, trust erodes and you no longer feel like a team.

Here are the top 5 challenges that were reported by couples seeking personality type advice...

Top 5 Relationship Challenges Reported:

  •   Challenge #1 — Communication Challenges
"Communication is always a big challenge - I'm constantly surprised at how often we miss the mark with each other because we each think we are being clear when it turns out we haven't gotten through to each other, even about everyday things like who's doing what today."
Our challenge: "Open honest communication about daily life challenges. Expressing our true emotions with each other. Speaking over, under, and around each other."
  •   Challenge #2 — Personality Type Differences
"Our 3 biggest problems: 1) My extroversion to his introversion; 2) My quick decision making vs his endless possibilities and research; 3) My emotional need vs his logical need"
"Sometimes we struggle to find things to do together that we both enjoy. Spontaneity can make me uncomfortable, as I appreciate a plan. My husband enjoys doing crazy things spur of the moment."

  •   Challenge #3 — Trust and Being Vulnerable
"If I could wave a magic wand in my relationship to solve my relationship issues what would I wish for? One word: Trust."
My relationship challenges: "One, not being vulnerable enough to make a connection and two, feeling like I can’t get too attached."
  •   Challenge #4 — Sharing the Responsibilities in Life
My biggest challenge: "Being able to divide chores and get them done without getting mad at my husband for not doing them."
"Simple day to day operation of the house - running of the household is something neither of us want to do. We do it, because we have to."
  •   Challenge #5 — The Stack of Unresolved Issues
"Recently we’ve started to have a disagreement simply about talking about each other’s day."
I [feel] attacked when I am actually just responding to how I see a situation. I have felt invalidated often and tried to discuss this behavior and their answer is, “let’s just drop this."

Do Any of These Sound Familiar to Your Relationship?

  • When you compromise, it feels like you're compromising yourself.​
  • ​You and your partner can never quite see eye-to-eye.
  • ​​Important conversations end up in fights or get 'swept under the rug'.
  • ​​You can't be vulnerable with your partner.
  • ​​At some point, trust was eroded and you can't get it back.
  • ​​How they make decisions baffles you.
  • ​​Your partner becomes weirdly attached to things that don't make sense to you.
  • ​​Sometimes it feels like they're being deliberately stubborn or obnoxious to prove a point.
  • ​​You're not sure where the "spark" went.

If You Answered "Yes" To Any Of Those Challenges...

...then you are a normal coupleRelationships are hard for everyone.

All Relationships Are "Complex Coordination"

Relationships are a pairing of two complicated human beings with their own beliefs, 
imprints and behaviors. It takes time to understand ourselves as individuals. 
Partnership takes both self-knowledge AND other-knowledge. 

But We Can Make It Much, Much Easier

Introducing: Couples Mapping

Transform your relationship from defensiveness, fighting and isolation 
to understanding, friendship and trust.

A Couples Map is a side-by-side comparison of the deeper aspects of your personality types. You will learn how your mind is wired and how your partner's mind is wired to:

- Learn information
- Make decisions
- Seek connection
- Experience intimacy

There are patterns to how people think

No one fits into a tidy little box. But there are patterns to how we think, feel, observe and process information.

Personality patterns give language to both strengths and blindspots. 

In a relationship, it can be easy to see our partner's weaknesses and focus on them. 

Personality theory inoculates us against this tendency. We can't help but be reminded of all the good things we fell in love with in the first place!

Your Couples Map Focuses on these Personality Models:


The dichotomies are a "20,000 foot view" of needs and preferences. They are:

 • Introvert vs Extravert - Do you prefer your inner or outer world?
 • Sensor vs iNtuitor - Do you look for what's reliable, or do you seek patterns?
 • Thinker vs Feeler - Is human impact most important, or just one factor in a decision?
 • Judger vs Perceiver - Where do you need freedom, where do you need organization?

These are simple, but accessible, ways to understand each partner's needs and attributes. 

Cognitive Functions

A much deeper, richer look at how our minds are wired. Cognitive functions dive into the key ways each partner perceives the world and makes decisions. 

 • When you consult data, do you want all the information or just what is actionable?
 • What is most obvious to you: your feelings, or the feelings of others?
 • Do you tend to jump into action, or do you take time to ruminate?
 • Do you have a rich private imagination, or should ideas be built upon with others?

How your mind is wired directly affects your values and behavior. 

The FIRM Model

Most people don't know they need permission to be themselves until they get it - usually through difficult personal growth work. 

The FIRM Model describes behaviors and preferences that are born inside of us as we fight for the right to be ourselves.

Depending upon your personality type your FIRM fixation will be one of these four:


The Car Model

To simplify Cognitive Function theory, we place each of your preferences in The Car Model, an easy to understand metaphor that highlights you and your partners greatest strengths... and biggest blindspots.

In this model we see which aspects of the personality need:

, Support, Appreciation and Protection.

"We Learned to Give Each Other Grace"

Our Romantic Success Story...

We utilized Couples Mapping lessons to navigate through the challenges in our relationship. However, our communication and feelings of "being understood" really vaulted to the next level when -- through Personality Hacker's profiling system-- we learned I'm actually an ENTJ, and he's an ESTP. 

Revisiting the principles of Couples Mapping through the lens of our newly-discovered types has been such a lightbulb moment for our relationship. The lessons we have learned through type have strengthened my husband's and my relationship exponentially. 

More than anything else, I think we are better able to understand where the other is coming from and to understand how our different ways of processing the world can lead to unnecessary conflict unless we approach them with intention. Most importantly, I think we have both learned to give each other grace -- and to acknowledge the unique gifts we each bring to the relationship.

- Lisa O'Kane, ENTJ

In this program you will learn to:

Understand Differences
To bridge the gap of our greatest misunderstandings, we must know the basics of how our minds tick. 
In this module, you will learn...

 •  How we can be wired differently
 An Overview of:
 • The 4 Dichotomies 
 • "The Car Model" and Jungian Cognitive Functions
 • Your partner's FIRM Fixations - what they are programmed to fixate upon
The very same things that annoy us are what enrapture us! Learn how to reclaim the attraction you had in the beginning.
In this module, you will learn...

 • The Needs of each of the 4 Dichotomies
 • How to use The Car Model to truly communicate to all the aspects of your partner
 • The Challenges and the benefits of each Cognitive Function (what annoys you and how to remember what it is you love about your partner)
 • How to see your FIRM fixation as a benefit in your relationship
 Deepen Connection 
& Intimacy
Are you missing your partner's attempts to reach you? Find out if you speak different connection and intimacy "languages."
In this module, you will learn...

 • The Connection and Intimacy language of your partner
 • How different personality types say, "I love you"
 • How to "Stop Talking Past Each Other"
 • The value of creating a Couples Map
 • Crucial questions you must ask yourselves and each other for true understanding and deep appreciation
Become a Team,
But Stay Individuals
Co-create a vision for the future by standing by each other's wants, needs and requirements. 
In this module, you will learn...

 • How to "Rebuild Trust and Vulnerability"
 • The difference between 'emotional stacking' and 'emotional smuggling' - and how to avoid both
 • How to compromise in the relationship without compromising yourself
 • The crucial differences between wants, needs and requirements - and how to communicate them
 Discover Your "Attachment Style"
Relationship expert Bruce Muzik teaches Attachment Theory and how it impacts every inch of your relationship.
In this special bonus module, you will learn...

 • Attachment Theory, and why it's so vital to know in your relationship
 • You and your partner's Attachment Styles, and important principles to avoid being reactionary or hurtful in the relationship
A guided tool to communicate crucial needs to your partner
Implement Tools 
and Action Steps
Find practical suggestions and important prompts to optimize your Couples Map, have crucial conversations and take action.
In this module, you will learn...

 • Powerful tools to implement the insights you've gained through the program
 • Specific words and dialogue to use in moments of tension to diffuse fights
 • Ways to connect with your partner and amplify communication
 • How to co-create a vision for your relationship
 •  ...and so much more.

What do I get in the Couples Mapping Program?

Upon accessing the member's area you will find:

  • 18 (rich media) videos
  • ​21 deep-dive audio recordings
  • ​That's 39 recordings in total - ​Over 11 hours of juicy, nutrient
                   dense content
  • A Couples Map and Study Guide - a guide on how to use
  •               the program, with space for journal entries and optional action
  •               steps
  • ​​BONUS! A Personality Development Owners Manual ($67 value)
                  as a complement for the Couples Mapping program

Start Mapping Your Relationship...

This home-study course guides you through mapping your relationship. You can map with your partner or it's just as valuable to do on your own.

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